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Flagship Community Healthcare Centre




Sub-Saharan Africa has 10 percent of the worlds population, bears 24 percent of the global burden of disease and has only 3 percent of the worlds total numbers of health workers, 28.8 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS [more than 70%] of infected people live in Sub-Saharan Africa according to WHO (World Health Organisation).


Sizeable rural populations, low levels of economic development and high rates of HIV/AIDS infection exacerbate the challenges of providing rural health care in Africa, especially in Zimbabwe. 









The AMAI centre will bring expectant mothers, women and children into the ambit of the improvement of health, education and awareness of tools that improve health. The design of the centre is based on the aspirations of the community, local design skills and creativity of the craftsmen in the rural community will be used.


RIVER Africa has opted and adopted a low-cost construction model, using local materials and craftsmen where possible. This will generate much needed economic activity for these enclaves of poverty. The Centre will be situated in an agglomeration with all the fundamentals of any basic Hospital in a developed country.


It will have a General Hospital, Maternity Hospital, Pharmacy, Mobile Clinic Docking Unit, Vegetable Garden, Clean Water Harvesting Project, Solar Power Station and Biogas Plant.

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